An Introvert’s Dreamy Morning

An Introvert’s Dreamy Morning

Wake up in a Wooden House

If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow, it would be in the wooden house in the middle of a green field. I would wake up alone without an alarm, hearing the birds singing and feeling the fluffy fur of my babies around me: cows, donkeys, goats, horses, dogs and cats. I would get up in freedom.

I would exercise and meditate in my yard, feeling the fresh air and peace around me. I would breathe in the love and energy that Mother Earth grants me. I would hug the trees and say “Good morning.”

Feed my Babies

Back to my babies, I would make breakfast for them: milk for the babies, crackers, chips, fruit or hay for the rest. Together, we would enjoy the first delicious meal of the day. I would be tasting my vegan soup, drinking a green smoothie while watching my children and friends gladly share their meals and talk to each other. What a happy start of the day!

After breakfast, I would let them roam free and explore the wild to their heart’s content. Then, I would take my iPad and keyboard to start working.

I just want my day to start as simple as that, peacefully, joyfully, no human noise and no mad rush. Nobody there to argue with me what we should eat, what tasks we have to do, what chores we must complete and so on. A full taste of Freedom.

If I got a writer’s block, I would just go out and sit somewhere new, maybe next to a giant tree or by a lake to reactivate my focus and creativity. Perhaps I could gain some inspiration from nature and my friends. Who knows?

It would also be a good idea to take my Canon camera outside. I could snap some memorable moments of the day.

Just a simple dream for a lone wolf, isn’t it? Don’t you have it, too?